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What's happening in the market?

How will Huawei's Harmony OS affect the adoption of Android and Windows in China?

In a small room, various devices like a drone, a bipedal robot, and a supermarket checkout are on display, highlighting China's software future. The goal is to showcase an operating system developed by Huawei, aiming to replace Windows and Android.

06-27 07:04

How will the legalization of crypto payments in Bolivia affect the demand for cryptocurrencies?

Bolivia has ended its ban on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. On June 26, the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB) announced that banks are now allowed to handle crypto transactions.

06-27 06:49

How will the partnership between Coinbase and Stripe affect the adoption of USDC?

Coinbase and Stripe team up to boost the use of blockchain for transactions. This partnership means they will support each other's financial services on their platforms, making things faster and easier for users.

06-27 05:52

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