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What's happening in the market?

How will the predicted increase in Bitcoin transaction fees affect Marathon Digital Holdings' global growth plans?

In an interview with CryptoSlate at BTC Prague 2024, Fred Thiel, the CEO of Marathon Digital Holdings, discussed key areas of the Bitcoin world, like transaction fees, hash rate stability, and plans for global growth.

06-17 09:46

Will Tesla resume accepting Bitcoin payments now that the network uses more renewable energy?

Tesla stopped accepting Bitcoin for payments because of environmental worries. However, Elon Musk promised to bring back Bitcoin payments if the network uses more renewable energy.

06-16 05:01

Why are financial advisors shunning Bitcoin ETFs?

The introduction of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in January was an important event. However, financial advisors are being careful with these new investment options.

06-16 04:09

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